Tag Archives: Gardens

Going Green: Seeds.

Once we got our compost bin put together, we turned our attention to gardening. Let me remind you that I don’t have much luck when it comes to growing things, so we will see how well this garden turns out.

We knew we wanted multiple types of gardens – veggie, herb and flower –  luckily we already had a few flower beds that needed a little attention, but would be ready to use. We started our vegetable garden by planting the seeds in Jiffy cups. Since I do not have much experience with gardening I thought this would be my best bet of keeping them alive.

We decided that we didn’t want to get in over our heads with this gardening thing, so we started with only 5 different veggies: cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, roma tomatoes, spinach, and mixed greens – Kyle thought that we would have enough lettuce-type plants with the spinach, but I wanted my mixed greens. Out of all the plants, those were the ones I was most excited about, so Kyle gave in and let me plant them. 🙂

Oh Jiffy Pots, how I love you!

One weekend I decided I was ready to man up and stop procrastinating. I mean, it is time to start gardens in Texas, so if I want it to be successful I have a limited amount of time to get it started.

I gathered all of the materials I would need – and a few that I ended up not even using – and got to work.

First, I filled all the cups with dirt…

Then, I added water and seeds…

Next, I wrote down what was in each cup.
CT = Cherry Tomatoes

S = Spinach

C = Cucumbers

RT = Roma Tomatoes

And MG = Mixed Greens

This was so I wouldn’t forget which seeds are in which cup. Also, when one started to grow before the others I knew what I was growing! 🙂

After I labeled my pots, I added more dirt on top of the seeds…

Then, added more water.

After I got all the seeds planted I left them outside to get some sun. It was still a little chilly here at night, so we would bring them in and keep them in our garage until the next day. It only took about a week to a week and a half until the first seeds started to sprout. Y’all, I was SUPER excited! And guess what? It was my mixed greens that I fought for!

Have you been successful in growing things? If so, what’s your secret? 🙂

Coming up… Going Green: Gardens!

Have you missed a post?
Compost Pile.
Building the Compost.